An attempt to answer one question which all people trying to pick a front end framework has . Is Angular or React the right choice ? Angular vs React is a burning adoption question on most Project planning sessions and one which often a developer has to confront. React is a Facebook supported initiative and is a javascript library . It would be wrong to call it a framework based on its initial release versions . It helps to create resusable components in applications and is javascript based . Angular has equally competent heritage from Google .With Angular being a new version to previous Angular JS which was widely successful. Angular has now ditched Javascript and adopted Typescript , i was very skeptic of this choice especially typescript being previously unknown in the front end developer circles . Once I started using Typescript I could see some clear advantages and choice for strong typing which was missing in Javascript for long was being enforced. Of...
Some real important differences to consider when you are choosing R or Python over one another: Machine Learning has 2 phases. Model Building and Prediction phase. Typically, model building is performed as a batch process and predictions are done realtime . The model building process is a compute intensive process while the prediction happens in a jiffy. Therefore, performance of an algorithm in Python or R doesn't really affect the turn-around time of the user. Python 1, R 1. Production: The real difference between Python and R comes in being production ready. Python, as such is a full fledged programming language and many organisations use it in their production systems. R is a statistical programming software favoured by many academia and due to the rise in data science and availability of libraries and being open source, the industry has started using R. Many of these organisations have their production systems either in Java, C++, C#, ...