An attempt to answer one question which all people trying to pick a front end framework has . Is Angular or React the right choice ? Angular vs React is a burning adoption question on most Project planning sessions and one which often a developer has to confront. React is a Facebook supported initiative and is a javascript library . It would be wrong to call it a framework based on its initial release versions . It helps to create resusable components in applications and is javascript based . Angular has equally competent heritage from Google .With Angular being a new version to previous Angular JS which was widely successful. Angular has now ditched Javascript and adopted Typescript , i was very skeptic of this choice especially typescript being previously unknown in the front end developer circles . Once I started using Typescript I could see some clear advantages and choice for strong typing which was missing in Javascript for long was being enforced. Of...
I had to create a project management practice in Agile for one of my projects. I had experience in working with Scrum and Scrumban Agile methodolgies . I decided to adopt Scrumban as i found it better that Scrum and more suited for product development with uncertain requirements and often user stories which require a depeer research and understanding . You can read on further from the links below on Scrumban I had to choose a tool that was open source and readily available , I evaluated the below tools Taiga Trello Asana Of the above I found Asana highly suitable and configurable and bingo they also had a mobile application which was quite user friendly. The Sprints were planned for 2 weeks duration and a Milestone of 1 month duration . Each Milestone had two Sprints . For scrumban I choose the below project structure Here the Backlog had th...
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